

The THREE PEAKS EGYPT CHALLENGE is a community-founded hiking challenge in the highlands of the Sinai. Stretching 38km, and tackling three of Egypt’s biggest, most iconic mountain peaks, the goal of most challenge attempts is to finish in 24 hours. This is the first Three Peaks Challenge in the Middle East and Egypt’s toughest mountain hike. It’s a route that will push you to the max – encouraging you to reach your personal peak – all the way. There is also an extreme 12 hour and a moderate 72 hour challenge.

You can even try to break the Three Peaks Egypt record. 

However fast you go the challenge will take you on an inspirational journey through some of the most beautiful, fabled and historic mountains of the Middle East.

Bedouin in an orchard, Three Peaks Egypt, Ben HofflerThe Three Peaks Egypt Challenge was created by the same team behind Egypt’s first-ever long-distane hiking trail: the award-winning Sinai Trail. Its goal is to develop a world-class mountain route that showcases the best of Egypt’s beautiful wilderness whilst boosting tourism and creating legitimate jobs and work for the Bedouin community of St Katherine. We hope it will also show a more positive, hopeful and inspirational side of an often-misunderstood region. The Three Peaks Egypt Challenge is part of a wide coalition of tourism projects aimed at supporting Bedouin communities across the Sinai and beyond. Other projects include the Sinai Trail and Red Sea Mountain Trail, near Hurghada.