We held the first ever Three Peaks Egypt Challenge on the 18th March 2015 with a group of four people, including a Bedouin guide and a volunteer leader, plus two hikers: Leo Laimer – a 57 year old engineer from Austria – and Olivia Norfolk, a PhD student from the UK. Both brought a lot of fun to the event, with Olivia finishing the first 2383m peak – Jebel Abbas Basha – and getting to the half way point, a major milestone, and Leo continuing to complete the circuit in 16 hours and 6 minutes. So there we have it – Leo Laimer of Austria has become the first person to complete Egypt’s Three Peaks Challenge. He also set the first 24 hour record. A big thank you – and congratulations – to both for trying because it’s not easy. Olivia got in touch this morning with some reflections on the challenge and the Sinai in general. Read more below – thanks Olivia!
“This was the first mountain challenge that I have taken part in and though I only completed the first peak it was a brilliant experience that I would happily repeat. The first half covered some of my favourite wadis and gave great views of beautiful Bedouin gardens and the exotic palm trees of Wadi Tlah. As we began to ascend Wadi Shagg the climb became more challenging, but on reaching the high mountains we were rewarded with a well-deserved lunch in Abu Tuweita. The final climb to the summit of Abbas Basha gave us spectacular views of the mountains and St Katherine town and as the sun began to set, I happily opted to return home whilst my courageous friends continued on for the next two peaks!
Though this was my first official mountain challenge, I have been walking in Sinai for over five years and have climbed all three peaks before (all be it on separate days!). I hadn’t done any special training, but I comfortably completed the first stage of the challenge. I didn’t have any problems with the terrain or route and the biggest challenge was definitely the length…. towards the end of the day my legs were beginning to tire. I returned to my camp tired, but happy and after I had sat down it was extremely difficult to move.
My advice to people considering the challenge would be to go for it!
The mountains of Sinai are really worth exploring and offer truly magnificent views. The local Bedouin are the kindest and most welcoming people that I have ever met and I felt incredibly safe throughout my trip. Before climbing I would suggest that you familiarise yourself with the local terrain and make sure you are comfortable with low levels of scrambling. Apart from that, take lots of chocolate and water and enjoy yourself.
If you don’t think you can complete all three peaks, don’t be put off. Why not just try the one? I still had a brilliant experience and felt like I had achieved something great”.